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Thursday, 15 December 2016

Seek help fast - Ask your counsellor Q&A column

[The following column answered by me appeared in the Deccan Herald Education supplement on December 15, 2016]

Dear Madam,
My son is in Class 8. He likes reading story books and gets immersed in it most of the times. We do appreciate his habit and want to support him by getting good books. He has been reading the same type of books for some time now and we feel that he should get to read a variety of books. But we are confused as to what kind of books we should buy for him. Also, sometimes we get concerned as he doesn’t devote even 10% of the time to read textbooks. Kindly suggest as to how should we go about and help him strike a fine balance between studies and reading habit.

Dear Adithi,

It is commendable that your son is fond of reading in this day of electronic media. Please don’t try and control what he is reading and what he ‘should’ be reading. Just ensure he has access to different kinds of books – get him a good library membership – so that he can browse different kinds of books and pick the ones he wants. If you try to steer him to a particular kind of book rather than another kind, he is not going to listen to your advice and is going to view it negatively. 

It is best to let him have an opportunity and make whatever he wants of it. As far as studying is concerned, please separate your anxiety around the issue of your having been a good enough parent (as borne out by the fact that your child gets good marks) versus genuine anxiety around his performance and his future success. At one level, we have to believe in our children and support them in whatever path they carve out for themselves. And, also believe in your own capabilities as a parent that you are doing the best you can in your child’s interest.

Dear Madam,
I am studying B.Com and want to take up CA. Of late, in spite of my constant 
effort, I am not able to concentrate on studies. I tend to check my WhatsApp and Facebook accounts frequently, and most of my time gets lost in reading messages and responding to them. Even with friends, the discussions evolve around social media. I know that what I am doing is not right and I have to get good marks to achieve my dream of becoming a CA. Please help me come out of this.

Dear Niharika,

Technology addiction is affecting many youngsters these days and it is important to try and understand what need this technology addiction is fulfilling. Cognitive behavioral therapy should be able to help you modify your behavior in various situations and you may work with a therapist for this. All the best.

Dear Madam, 
I often find myself getting distracted when I sit down to do any task. While I have tried various techniques to help me concentrate better at the task at hand, it invariably fails. With my board exams fast approaching, I fear that this will hamper my study plans. Could you suggest a few ways that will help me?

Dear Radhika,

I was wondering if you have ever been assessed for attention issues. It may be helpful for you to see a psychiatrist to be evaluated for problems related to attention, especially if you are thinking this is something beyond your control. Once you know if it is a medical problem, or not, you will need to approach it differently. So that’s the first step. 

Dear Madam,
I am a smart boy who has been doing well in academics so far. I am in Class 9. I study well and understand concepts well in school. But sometimes, in exams, I feel afraid. I become nervous and under pressure, I tend to forget things and perform badly sometimes. Please tell me how to get rid of this exam tension.

Dear Manik

I have written about exam anxiety at great length in this column. All of my previous writings have been archived at and it may be helpful for you to read some of them. In particular, I want to point you to “Why exams are nothing to worry about” at and Demystifying exam anxiety at

The first step for you is to understand the fear that is immobilizing you. What is your worst fear? What do you think is the worst thing that can happen if you do not do well in the exam. Once you are able to name this, you may realize yourself that the worst possible outcome that you are dreading, if not something you cannot live through. Just that realization helps you acknowledge the irrationality of your fear. It may be helpful for you to talk to a counsellor who can help you work through this as well. All the best.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Realign dreams with reality - Ask your counsellor Q&A column

[This column answered by me appeared in the Deccan Herald Education supplement on November 24, 2016]

Dear Madam,
I am studying MBBS. Though I try to study hard, I am not able to focus as I start thinking of the future. I start doubting my ability to understand the subjects and some of the questions that come to my mind are — Will I be able to understand everything? Will I be able to remember everything? Will I be good at clinicals? Will I be a good physician? All these questions eat me up! In short, I lack self-confidence. Please guide me to overcome this situation.
Sadikha Sultana

Dear Sadikha,
I have written extensively in this column on the need to believe in yourself and your capabilities. All my previous columns are archived at I particularly recommend that you read You are often limited by your own self-image. If you believe you can do something, you muster the strength, determination, motivation and courage to make it a reality. If you don’t believe you can do it, then you are overcome by self-doubt and are unable to gain the motivation to work towards it. Your beliefs about yourself become like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Having said that, I notice that you wonder whether you will be able to understand and remember everything. It is important to help our brain understand that if you don’t remember ‘everything’, it doesn’t mean you don’t remember anything. Remember that nobody can remember and understand ‘everything’. 

You often need to just be able to access information, not necessarily retain it in your head. To be a good physician does not necessarily depend on how much you remember. It depends also on your ability to listen and relate to people, your ethics and empathy, and your ability to access the necessary medical information when you need to. And as you gain experience and confidence, you will start retaining most of the information you need. There is a reason why more experienced doctors are considered better doctors. Because they learn and become better on the job. 

You cannot control the future and what will happen. But your worry and anxiety about the future has the capacity to immobilise you in the present. So don’t try to control the future. Just live in the present and make the most of it. And don’t forget to believe in yourself. Good luck!

Dear Madam,
I have completed my MSc in Physics with second class. I always wanted to do higher studies and research in Physics as the subject interested me since my school days. However, I didn’t get good marks in MSc as expected. Now, I am worried about my next step, because, if I want to get into research, all educational institutions ask for good marks with valid NET or GATE qualification. But I don’t have both of them. Also, I’m afraid about NET because I am an average student. Now, my family members are forcing me to find a job. They are also suggesting that I take BEd course and become a teacher. So, I am in a dilemma, but I don’t want to kill the scientist inside me!! Please suggest a good path. I believe every problem has a solution.
A confused student

Dear Student,
Sometimes, we need to realign our dreams with our reality. Which does not necessarily mean you give up on your dream but merely find ways to let the different paths converge. If your family situation demands that you become a financially contributing member of the family now, then that is something you may need to pay attention to and look at ways of pursuing your interest in Physics in a way that may permit you to get a job. Being a teacher may give you a great alternative route to pursuing your interest in Physics and Science. It is a reality that the best way to learn something is by teaching it. Your passion for the subject may allow you to teach it in a way that is more enriching to students than most teachers, Passion for the subject is probably the biggest asset a teacher can bring to her class. So, while it is great to have dreams, sometimes, reality takes over, and that may not necessarily be a bad thing. Trust in yourself, and trust in the path that you take. There are no perfect paths, and there is no one right answer. Merely several choices, and many possibly equally good answers. Good luck!

Dear Madam,
I am a teenager with many interests. I grasp subjects easily, but don’t have the patience to study anything in depth. As a result, I am not able to achieve the maximum in both curricular and extracurricular activities. My teachers and family say that I have talent, but I lack dedication and hard work. My problem is that I get bored easily and cannot sit in a place for long unless I am playing a videogame. Please suggest some ways to improve my attitude. 

Dear Nesar,
You may want to check with a psychiatrist and get tested to see if you have concerns around your attention span. If you do, then taking the help of a psychiatrist can help you stay focussed on what you want to do. Having said that, it is important to remember that everyone is different, and maybe you are just the kind of person who likes a width of knowledge and experience, instead of a depth of knowledge. There is a place in society for both kinds of people, none is better than the other…they are just different! To help you change your attitude and understand yourself better, you may find it beneficial to take the help of a counsellor who may help you identify and modify some underlying irrational beliefs that you may be operating from. I am not sure which city you are in and if you have access to a counsellor. You could call the free Parivarthan Counselling Helpline at 080 65333323.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Don't let negativity bring you down - Ask your counsellor Q&A column

[The following column written by me was published in Deccan Herald on November 3, 2016]

Dear Madam,
My Class 12 results did not come as expected and I had to take a year off. I feel I have failed in some ways as my plans didn’t work. Though my parents are supportive, I am unable to shrug off the feeling that I have disappointed them. What can I do to overcome this and ensure that my future plans work out smoothly? 
A worried student

Dear Worried student,
Failure is always an event, never a person. So, while you may have failed at an exam, that does not mean you are a failure as a person. There is more to you than your exam results, so don’t let one set of marks define your worth.

Your parents may have been disappointed with your marks, but that is not the same thing as they being disappointed with you. Very often we make the mistake of equating the two. I think it will be great if you can meet a counsellor who can help you alter your thought patterns so that they are not as negative and obstructive as they are now for you.

Dear Madam,
I am a seventh semester Mechanical engineering student. I daydream a lot and always feel stressed. As a result, I am unable to focus on studies. Doing a morning jog and taking frequent vacations haven’t helped. I have stopped using my mobile too. But nothing is working. 

Sometimes, I get addicted to bad habits because of stress, which eats up much of my time. You are my last hope. Please suggest how to manage stress and focus on studies. 
A stressed student

Dear Stressed student,
I am a bit concerned about your mention of being addicted to bad habits and I am not sure what you are talking about. Having said that, addiction of any sort is harmful because it makes us feel like we don’t have a choice, or any sense of control. Whereas in reality, we do. Often the addiction is an escape mechanism — an escape from facing the reality; a short-term relief. My question to you is — what are you escaping from? What is your fear that you are trying to run away from?
A lot of our stress is the result of our thought patterns and it is always helpful to try and understand our unhelpful and irrational beliefs that are making us think the way we are and causing us distress. If we are able to alter our beliefs, we can change our thoughts which in turn makes us feel better and behave differently.

I think it will be really helpful for you to work with a counsellor, and if you don’t have access to a counsellor in your college, call the Parivarthan Counselling Helpline at 080 65333323 for free counselling support.

Dear Madam,
I am a PG student with a good academic record. I usually don’t gel with others. This makes others think that I am an egoist and that I have an attitude problem. I don’t like unnecessary talks. Very often, I get angry for no reason. I am trying hard to correct myself but in vain. I always feel that no one likes me. I just want to get out of all this. Kindly guide.
A depressed student

Dear Depressed student,
It sounds like you may have some anger within you which you have not expressed or acknowledged. And that anger sometimes surfaces for no reason because it has no legitimate outlet. At times, it may even be interfering with your ability to connect meaningfully with others and hold long-term relationships. You may also be having some irrational beliefs around what is necessary and what is unnecessary, how people should behave, and how relationships are meant to be.

I think you could benefit tremendously from counselling which will help you understand and manage your unexpressed anger, recognise your irrational beliefs which are driving the way you relate to people, and change your unhelpful behaviours that are interfering with your ability to relate to people. Feeling angry is okay.

But unless we know how to express it, it can either eat us up from the inside, or destroy everything that comes in its path, often unknowingly. It is said that hanging on to anger is like hanging on to a piece of hot coal.

Unless you get rid of it, it will burn the hand that is holding it. And if you don’t get rid of it properly it will burn other things in its path. If you dispose it off appropriately it will not cause any
lasting damage.

Dear Madam,
I am a third year LLB student. When I start studying a topic, I feel that I know it already. Hence, I am not able to concentrate and always neglect studies. Kindly suggest ways for me to concentrate on studies.
Akshay Raj

Dear Akshay,
It will be helpful for you to understand yourself and your past patterns. How have you been doing academically in the past? You don’t mention anything about that. When you feel you know a topic, have you actually known it and how have you performed in your exams with that knowledge.

If you have been doing well, then your confidence may be holding you in good stead, allowing you the flexibility of focussing on other aspects of your life. However, if you have not been doing well then think about how things may have been different if you had focussed. How would you like them to be different, if at all? And why? It is important to find your own motivation. This is not something someone else can give you, and even if someone else does, it will be short-lived.

So, think about why you are studying? How is it going to help you? Who are you doing it for? What do you envision for yourself two years down the line? Five years down the line? Ten years down the line? Treat these as your milestones and work out a plan to reach each milestone.

When we don’t have a goal we are walking towards, it is often hard to find the ways and the means of getting there. Quite like travelling with a destination in mind (which allows you to gauge how you are doing on your journey) and just travelling aimlessly (when you have nothing to judge your travels by). Good luck!

Dear Madam, 
I have just joined a new job. Although I like the job, I am finding it a bit overwhelming as I am not getting the necessary support I thought I would. As a result, I am finding it a bit difficult to integrate with the team successfully, despite many attempts to do so. 

Could you kindly suggest some ways that can help me position myself better, so that I can contribute more effectively and be a part of the team? 
A stressed employee

Dear Stressed employee,
I understand that you are feeling overwhelmed in your new assignment and would like some support from the existing team. Sometimes it is okay to ask for the help you need. Have you asked and not got a response, or have you been uncomfortable to ask? Often we hesitate to ask because we feel we should know the answer and that if we ask, it will make us look bad.

It may help you to read an article I wrote earlier in this newspaper titled “How balanced are your seesaws?” ( which may help you understand some of your internal reasons for feeling uncomfortable.

The more comfortable you feel with yourself, the more comfortable you will feel with your team. It may be helpful to work with a counsellor to help you overcome some of your roadblocks. All the best!